Monday, March 26, 2018

Review: Protector of Midnight

Protector of Midnight Protector of Midnight by Debbie Cassidy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading this book. This is the first book in this series, and also the first book I've read so far by this author, but it gave me a clear picture of the characters and their current circumstances in life.

There is a wide mix of supernatural creatures that reside in Midnight, and though Serenity has lived in Sunset since her adoption all of these years, and even gone so far as to deny herself the basic sustenance she craves to survive in a community of humans in Sunset so she could be there for her sister, she discovers Midnight does not really match up with what she had come to expect.

The world building in this book is amazing, and I can't wait to read more from this author. I would recommend this book to readers that are fans of dark urban fantasy that include a variety of supernatural creatures.

View all my reviews

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