Pure Dark Volumes 1 - 3: The Ultimate Horror Endurance Trilogy by Andrew Mackay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I am actually including reviews for each individual book included in this trilogy.
Pure Dark Vol 1:
I have to frank...this is the first horror novel that has ever seriously made me nauseous. I've had to spend more than a week reading this, as I've needed breaks here and there just to make sure I could keep food in my stomach. This book is super deranged, over sexualized and in laymen's terms...'Gross!'.
That being said...this book is definitely not for the faint of heart. Part of me wanted to give this book a higher tanking..but I don't think I can honestly say I will ever return to re-read this book...most likely ever. Think Stephen King in a game of chicken with Dean Koontz...and Pennywise just jumps right in between then. Only...on hard drugs and with fewer clothes. If you're looking for a way to seriously get your stomach churning...I think you've found it.
Pure Dark Vol 2:
Gross. Just...gross.
Keep in mind that if you're considering purchasing this book, then you might have already made it through the first book in this series (Pure Dark vol. 1). If that is the case...then I think your stomach might be able to stand up to this one without an issue. However, if you just happened across this book while browsing, be prepared to enter a twisted world where absolutely nothing is off the table. You have been warned.
Some of the stories are both horrific and at least a tad amusing, and others are just disturbingly gross from beginning to end. I'll admit this book didn't make me physically sick as much as the first edition, but it's definitely filled with it's fair share of horrific details displayed under a microscope. That being said, it's still a definite must-read if you want to keep tabs on the progress (or hindrance?) of the drug-riddled brain providing this entertainment. I read this after receiving a free ecopy, but the opinions shared here are all my own.
Pure Dark Vol 3:
Ok, I finished this book after reading the first two books in this set (vol 1 & 2), and found this one was much less sickening than the others for the most part. All the same, if you decide to pick up this series and read it for yourself, I still strongly recommend reading the set in order. Disregard the fact you will feel a bit confused and rather nauseated during sections of reading this entire set...just saying.
The first book was just outright nauseating...but still an interesting read, to say the least. The second book in this set is still supremely gross, though I found my stomach could handle reading that one much better. This book shares more snippets into what's really going on (Charlie Ferrari), both internally for the coma patient and externally for those around him. If you have a fairly strong stomach and think you're up for the challenge, I strongly recommend reading this series...it will be an experience like nothing you've delved into before, and by the end it will leave you saying OMCF! (Oh My Charlie Ferrari!)
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